Okay... let’s get a thing or two out in the open: I’m no male supermodel. I dont have a gazillion euro’s, or a freakin’ mansion...
I’m just an ordinary guy. I just want someone to share my life with... - I dont fool around... - I dont care about fashion, but dress stylish - in my own opinion at least... - I’m a loving, caring guy... - I have a good job, earning a nice living..
And so on.
All this should - according to women (!) - mean, that I was a pretty decent catch.
But... It seems like, everytime I meet someone, that’s what women SAY they want - not WHAT they want.
So, I’m confused. What the F... do women actually want?
RS I don’t know what they want either. Focus on what you can give a woman and I don’t mean material things as that will only end unhappily. You seem to be an intelligent, sensitive guy and women look for that. But don’t play that card too early. You’ve got to make them work for it first. Make yourself something of a challenge and be selective. They do want you said above, just not right away.
Well. some women are definitely are after money, some don`t want to be bored.. A huge problem of many man is absence of sense of humour, that can push some women away:)
I’m new here but it seems to me that women will have a preconceived idea of what they want in a man and once they find their ideal man and settle down they proceed on a project to change that man and when they have accomplished that transformation they start longing for the original version. Confusing? What’s really going on here?
While I can’t speak for all women.....i do know that it depends on the generation of women you ask.
For me...... I want a man who I can chat and laugh with. Someone caring and knows how to make me feel like a lady. A man who believes in being the man and not someone who wants to dictate or control. A man who takes the time out to know who I am , what i like and actually shows interest.
I am looking a man who loves sex and is interested in exploring my body and wants to please me knowing he will e greatly pleased in the end.
A man ready to settle down and have someone take care of him. No games or running around. A man who believes in communicating and opening up. A man who loves children as I would love to have another one or two.
A man who knows that he is the head of the family and ready to act in that capacity willingly and loving. A man who is ready for a life partner, sharing, developing and building a solid foundation.
Personality is important and how you treat others too. You must be put together regardless of size because no one wants to be seen with a man who isn’t looking nice. Personality and genuineness will make me overlook a persons looks because looks and body changes.
Overall, someone I am compatible with physically, mentally and sexually.
Hello. I think that every woman wants to be happy and share her life with the person she likes. this is a person with similar views on life. but . it happens that a woman thinks that she needs something, but in fact she doesn’t need it at all in life. she just gets it wrong. your woman will not pass you by.
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