sometimes i wonder, how come something which is so amazing, euphoric and inexplicable when used in the right way, can turn out to be so bizarre, painful and devastates some lover to such an extent that the hurting party doesn’t want to love anymore.
there is an old saying in my country, "what goes up, must come down." it doesn’t perfectly apply here but imagine how high you flew on love and crashing to earth when it is gone.
love yourself first brother.
the pain will eventually subside. everyone has been where you are or will be someday.
Recently in the news I heard a story about the tragic death of man and woman. Leg of woman stuck on rail way. The man tried to help her, but to no avail. The train went . A man could get away and stay alive, but he stayed next to the woman. They were husband and wife.
true love is like a journey , of both joy and pain , which we both share together , if it is true , then it will stand everything , i have been hurt , and felt as if i were on a firing squad on the receiving end , but angelina love is a journey of life with our children , us and the world , i think i would hope to speak with you xxx