I look for a woman that is mentally and physically secure with herself.Someone that will stand by my side through all the good and be their for me through all the bad. I want her to respect herself and treat me with respect especially in public.I know that some people want to make themselves believe that looks are not everything. Well I definitely disagree with that.Looks are what grabbed your attention in the first place and if any women thinks that she could wake up every day next to someone that she is not physically attracted to, Is only lying to herself. I know I could not wake up next to some big huge women and try to convince myself that I love her because of who she is on the inside. If that were the case then their would be no single people out their because I know plenty of men that are nice guys but are fat pigs and that is why they have been single for the better part of their lives. Now for me I am single, never married, live alone and have no kids. I don’t need maid, a slave, a cook, someone to do my laundry or clean my house. I do just fine by myself. I look for a partner. Someone that is going to be their for me no matter what happens in life. To know that I will have someone their to help me through the brick walls that i might hit along the way just as i would for her until the end
Luyanda, a good cook is a bonus but not essential. And any guy looking for a "S.. Bomb" will never be satisfied with just ’one’ such bomb and there are always good places to eat around :D.. there is much more to life than just s.. and food :) - Ofcourse I dont speak on behalf of all the men in the world - personal preferences cannot be generalized.
I am probably one of the oldest users on this site. My age is listed as 68. Most of the interest shown to me is from men in their thirties or forties. Men in their fifties and sixties are looking for someone younger and I can understand that since I am of the same mentality. But i have become this way not necessarily by choice. People need to realize that some of us don’t give up on love when we get older. We have the same hearts and souls - only a few more wrinkles. And we have more experience, more understanding, more confidence. Why do young men seem to realize and appreciate this but older men devalue older women? It seems they would at least have gained some wisdom having lived all those years. I don’t want to be seen as perverse for gravitating toward younger people but men in their fifties and sixties won’t step up. They are delusional if they think they can keep up with thirty something’s. Women , on the other hand, don’t have the same loss of function when they get older. A new survey states that the best s.. of your life is at the age of 69.
It seems to me there is a trend. Older men are looking for younger women, and younger men want older women. Any thoughts on that? Men say they want a partner online, but it doesn’t seem to be the case irl
I don’t like the term "lifepartner" because it sounds like a business agreement. a partner is someone who gives you the feeling that she completes you. So if for all good reasons you feel like sharing life with a best friend ... that’s what this man thinks