![]() Online Dating has become a multi-million pound industry in the last few years. It has gone from being on the fringes of acceptability to a mainstream pastime for single men and women. In fact it could be argued that online dating has helped to shape our attitudes when it comes to modern dating. For a start we are no longer limited by geography and it has allowed couples to meet who would have otherwise not come into contact with one another. There is no denying however, that internet dating can be tough, and with so much choice, especially for women, first impressions are vital for dating success. Know your date. The anticipation before the all important first date can be tremendously exciting. It all adds to the fun of the dating experience. Although it is important to enjoy it, as you want the experience to possible, do not become complacent. No doubt, your date has revealed some information about herself, her likes or dislikes or what she does for a living. Have a think about everything she has told you about herself so when the date night approaches, not only will you have plenty to talk about but she will be flattered by the interest that you show in her. Don't Overspend. Many men seem to think that they have to get their wallet out to impress a woman on the first date. Rather than impressing, this can have the opposite effect of making someone look shallow, or even as though they are trying a little to hard to impress. In fact, some women might even be offended by the mere insuation that the way to their heart is through a man's wallet. The first date is really more an exercise in getting to know someone to decide whether or not you want to see them again. So it is best to keep it simple and then perhaps you can push the proverbial boat out a little bit more on the second date. Use your imagination. While it is advisable not to overspend, it is an excellent opportunity to put your creative side to the test. There are plenty of things to do which are both fun and affordable. Although you want to avoid activities like the cinema at all costs, -after all why go on a date then not talk to someone for 2 hours?- You want to do something that allows to get to know your date whilst providing an entertaining backdrop that acts as a good conversation piece when you are struggling for something to say. It's not just about what you say. It really does not matter what you say if you are betrayed by your physical movements. That is why it is imperative that you are mindful of your body language during the date. It can be easy for our movements to denote insecurity, but it is not too difficult to keep this in check. Try not to fidget too much, slouch, and when talking to your date, try to maintain eye contact but not so much you make her feel uncomfortable. Don't talk too much. There is perhaps no greater turn off than a man who wants to talk about nothing but himself. The first date is an opportunity for each person to get to know the other, so do not control the conversation and ask your date to tell her about herself. Your date really does not want to know how wonderful you are, and she is much more likely to come to that conclusion herself if you are nice and let her talk too. Check Please! It is one thing being careful with money, but the one thing you should never do is ask your date to pay her half of the bill. Some women may insist on doing so, but the important point is if they do, then it should be offered by them and not suggested by you. These tips may not necessarily guarantee instant dating success or a lothario status, but they will help to ensure that even if it turns out to be a one hit wonder, you will have at least had an enjoyable and disaster free evening. |