How many times have you wished that you could read your man's mind so that you would know if it's really love? Unfortunately, no magic exists that could enable you to see whether he really loves you, but there are a few telltale signs in most relationships that will tell you if your romance is still alive and well. The following romance and dating tips should help you to figure out if it's true love or not. 1. Your chemistry together is amazing. Have you ever watched a phenomenal romance movie and just felt the heat between the two romantic leads? On the other hand, you've probably seen a few where the chemistry was obviously missing altogether. Sure, your life's not a movie, but you should genuinely feel the heat whenever you're together. You don't have to always think alike or constantly be on the same page regarding every life event, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have heat. 2. He really seems to care about you. If your man constantly wants to learn what makes you laugh, and how to cater to your every whim and desire, it must be love. If he takes you on romantic dates without having to be asked and truly cares about your opinion, not just his own, it definitely could be the real thing. 3. He really does love to spend all of his time with you. If he really enjoys every minute that you spend together no matter what you happen to be doing, he could really be in love with you. If he makes excuses or tries to get out of spending that extra time with the woman that he allegedly loves, this may be one of those relationships that you should re-think. 4. He suggests that you adopt a puppy together. Besides the fact that everybody loves a guy who loves dogs, nothing says love and permanence like pet adoption when it's done together. OK, so you're not a dog person, how about a kitten, a bird or a gecko? Puppies are good though because they help you to bond and spend extra time together, walking, feeding, training, etc., but any pet adoption that he suggests shows that he's ready to commit. 5. He's always smiling at you. It's probably that gorgeous smile that you fell in love with in the first place, but if it seems to have faded over time or he only pulls it out when he wants something from you, it may not be love and you might want to smile at him as you wave good-bye. Enjoying being with you and smiling about it should come second nature to him if it's true love. 6. He goes that extra mile just for you and is willing to compromise sometimes. If something truly makes you happy, he should be eager to comply. You don't want him to be a doormat or do your bidding like a servant, but you do want him to have that willingness to compromise and put himself out there. This shows that he really loves you and is in this for the long haul. 7. He loves talking to you for hours and making plans for your future together. Since men essentially aren't as talkative or open about their feelings as women, this can be a solid indicator of his love for you especially if he is the instigator of talks that plan out your collective future. 8. He loves each and every one of your quirks. If he thinks everything you do is cute, including some crazy things that other people might complain about or constantly point out to you as quirky, he's probably a keeper. Putting up with everything you do, no matter what, is pretty hard to fake. Smiling and laughing about it shows even more that he really loves you. |